How to Speak and Use the Transcript for My Content

How to Speak and Use the Transcript for My Content

You’re catching up with a friend over coffee and they ask how business is going. You tell them about your upcoming new launch. They ask a couple of questions and with great enthusiasm you give them a brief run down. They’re impressed. You wish you’d recorded what you...
5 Tips for Better Editing of Audio Transcripts

5 Tips for Better Editing of Audio Transcripts

Audio recordings have become a great way to create content. They can save time in formulating and expressing ideas, especially if you’re not a confident writer. It’s satisfying to spit out an audio transcript after a talking session filled with rich insights. Don’t be...
Solve Your Website Nightmare with a Copywriter

Solve Your Website Nightmare with a Copywriter

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash   The room is quiet when you wake. You think you’ve slept well, but you’ve only dissipated a fraction of your exhausted tension. You’ll be alright after your first coffee. But first you’ve got to exercise, organise...